How are food products marketed?

Does this look appetising?

Image result for zinger burger

Or does this one?

Image result for zinger burger

What are your beliefs about this company?

Image result for kfc

Which Ways of Knowledge are you using when developing an opinion about KFC?

Do you trust KFC? Why?

Manipulative Marketing

Advertisers would probably use the first image to sell their food. But do you know how they make the ‘perfect burger’?

Which Ways of Knowledge do people use when watching commercials?

Do they believe what they see?

What methods are the producers using to make you believe in their product?

Should these producers be allowed to do this? Are they exaggerating or lying?


Choose one of the subjects you study at school. Produce a A4 poster to market it to future students and parents. Think about the following:

  • What would appeal to the audience?
  • What do they want to see and know?
  • Can you make the poster believable?
  • Do you need words, images or both?
  • How do you want people to act or think after viewing your poster?