How to analyse a source? OPVCL

Following on from the previous unit, to what extent can we trust the movie ‘Alexander’. In I&S and History, we use the acronym OPVCL to help analyse the reliability and validity or sources.

Origin – Where is it from? Who produced it? When? How?

Purpose – Why was it made? Who was it made for?

Value – What is it useful for? Who is it useful for? 

Content – Is the content/ knowledge accurate? 

Limitations – What does it not tell you? Why does it not tell you this? What biases could be used when making this?

The trailer for the movie is below.

Use the following websites and your own research to complete a mind map of the movie ‘Alexander’. You should also use your understanding of Beliefs too. 

IMDB Alexander

How Historically Accurate is Alexander?

Historical Review: Alexander; The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
