
1923 Corfu invaded and Italy receive fifty million lire in compensation.

1924 Yugoslavia gives Fiume to Italy via the Treaty of Rome

1925 Locarno Pact signed, confirming Europe’s borders

1928 Italian & Ethiopian Treaty of Friendship

1933 Four-Power Pact signed (Germany, Italy, Britain & France)

1935 Stresa Front signed, reaffirming Locarno

1935-37 Abyssinia invaded in 1935 with 500 000 Italian troops.

1936 Mussolini no longer objects to the Anschluss, Abyssinia taken, Rome-Berlin Axis.

1936-39 Spanish Civil War

1937 Italy joins the Anti-Comintern Pact & withdraws from the League

1939 Mussolini invades Albania, Pact of Steel signed with Germany.

1940-44 Second World War, Italy joins in 1940 by attacking Egypt from its colony of Libya.