Knowledge and Technology

The Social Dilemma

Social Dilemma Fails to Tackle the Real Issues in Tech

  • How do you know you know something?
  • How do you know it was your decision to know something, to have an opinion?
  • How do you decide how technology should be used?


To what extent is the Internet changing what it means to know something?


To what extent do social networks reinforce our existing perspective rather than boosting our engagement with different perspectives?

Methods and Tools

How do the tools that we use shape the knowledge that we produce?


How should we hold people responsible for the applications of knowledge they create?

Watch the Social Dilemma from 12 to 22 minutes. What questions does it raise?

Padlet – Social Dilemma

22 to 31 minutes – psychology

37 to 43 minutes – Impact on the younger generation.

45 to 46 – the power of technology

46 to 52 – algorithms

Risk Matters

Choose one of the KQs from above and develop both a claim and counter claim to answer it. You should also include at least one perspective for each argument too.