Child Safeguarding Policy

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IGBIS is committed to provide a sense of safety and wellbeing for all students in our community. This commitment is a shared responsibility and a priority that we expect all staff to commit to as it is our actions that ensure that children and young people have a healthy environment in which to learn, grow and thrive. IGBIS also supports the rights and wellbeing of our staff and wider community and encourages their active participation in developing and maintaining a secure environment for all those in the IGBIS community.

Child abuse, child neglect, peer-on-peer abuse and other elements of child protection are multi-faceted issues that involve the dynamics of the child, the family, and the community; complexity that no policy or prcidure can ever cover in total. Our Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedure Handbook provides the principles and framework for all members of the school community to do their utmost to safeguard the students in our care. 

The Child Safeguarding Handbook is based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child of which Malaysia is a signatory. It is also based on the Malaysian Child Act 2001, which makes it clear to all parties concerned that abuse, neglect, abandonment or exposing a child to physical and/or emotional injuries while in Malaysia is punishable by law [Act 611]. As part of this mandated policy, IGBIS—by law—is committed to work in cooperation with Malaysian and international agencies and to fully cooperate with these agencies for the best interest of the child. 

Finally, as accredited members of the Council of International Schools and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, IGBIS adheres to the highest international standards and practices that these organisations uphold for the prioritisation of child safeguarding in school, outside, during the recruitment process and more. 

To report a concern, please contact the Designated Child Safeguarding Lead, a Division Principal or the Head of School immediately. Please know that IGBIS will listen and take any and all concerns seriously. 

Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedure Handbook