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Welcome to IGBIS Alumni

At IGB International School, our commitment to education extends far beyond graduation. Our alumni are an integral part of our global community, and this alumni page serves as a vibrant virtual gathering place for graduates from around the world to:

Stay Connected:

Reconnect with old friends, forge new connections, and stay updated on the latest happenings at our school. Whether you graduated recently or decades ago, this platform is designed to keep you linked to the IGBIS family.

Share Your Journey:

Your stories inspire us. Share your personal and professional achievements, adventures, and life experiences with fellow alumni and current IGBIS students. Your journey since leaving IGBIS can be a source of inspiration to them.

Networking Opportunities:

Looking to expand your professional network? Our alumni page provides a valuable platform for networking with former schoolmates who have gone on to excel in various fields and industries. Discover new opportunities and collaborations within our global alumni network.

Give Back:

As a proud IGBIS alumnus or alumna, you have the opportunity to give back to the institution that helped shape your future. Explore ways to support scholarships, mentorship programmes, and other initiatives that empower the next generation of leaders.

Stay Informed:

Receive the latest updates on school events, alumni gatherings, and educational initiatives. Stay informed about how IGBIS continues to make a difference in the world of education.

Join Us Today

IGBIS alumni are making a positive impact on a global scale. Explore, connect, and continue your journey with us. Together, we are shaping a brighter future.

Register now and be part of our alumni community today and embark on this exciting journey of connection, inspiration, and impact.

    First Name

    Last name / Surname

    Graduation Year



    Current Job