High School Diploma Programme

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General High School Diploma Information

(relevant for all Grade 11 & 12 Graduation Pathways at IGBIS)

Every student at IGBIS is completing a High School Diploma (HSDP) during the last four years of school as we are a credit-based programme in which the completion of the HSDP is a graduation requirement. This means that all IGBIS students in the IB Diploma Programme and/or the IB Career-related Programme also complete a High School Diploma on top of their IB Diplomas and courses. 

The IGBIS HSD is designed to meet the graduation requirements that are common to high schools in the United States of America and can allow students to apply to most post-secondary programmes as our HSD is accredited by the Council of International Schools and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (please visit our Accreditation page for more information on those organisations). 



The requirements for graduation and attainment of the IGBIS High School Diploma include:

  1. Earn 24 credits over 4 years (Grade 9-12) in the required courses
  2. Complete the DP, CP or HSD Core 
  3. Satisfy the school Attendance Policy (average of 85% in the last four years of school and each individual year; extenuating circumstances that prevent a student from reaching this requirement may be waived by the Head of School in writing.)

In any MYP, DP, HSD or CP class, students must attain a minimum year-long grade of 3 (or pass) in order to successfully gain a credit in that course/subject. IGBIS HSD students can take IBDP courses from every subject group, but must take into consideration the credit requirements in the diagram below. Prior academic performance will be used to identify which IBDP courses are appropriate for each student. 


Recognition of Transfer Credits

Students who have transferred into IGBIS in Grades 10 and 11 are awarded credit based on a review of the academic results from their previous school. 


DP Courses & High School Diploma Pathway 

This pathway gives students flexibility in their programme and caters to the needs, strengths and aspirations of the individual student. 



There are six different subject groups and within each subject group, there are a number of different courses. Students make their particular selections based on a variety of factors. Each student will take 4-6 subjects at a High school level, DP standard level (SL) or DP higher level (HL). At IGBIS, we generally recommend most students to take 5 subjects and at least two to three of them at DP SL or HL. Students are required to take an English and a Maths course. 

DP HL and SL courses differ in scope but are measured according to the same grade descriptors, with students expected to demonstrate a greater body of knowledge, understanding and skill at the higher level. Standard-level subjects take up 150 teaching hours, while higher-level courses comprise 240 teaching hours.

Subjects at the high school level allow the scope and sequence and assessment to accommodate the students' needs and strengths. High school-level subjects take up 150 teaching hours. 

Please note that DP SL subjects are also offered for High School Diploma credit on a needs basis. At IGBIS, the course offerings can vary annually depending on student interest, but we currently offer the following courses:

  • English A Language & Literature SL/HL
  • Chinese A Language & Literature SL/HL
  • Malay A Literature SL/HL
  • Literature Self-taught SL
  • English B HL
  • Chinese Mandarin B SL/HL
  • Spanish B SL/HL
  • Spanish Ab Initio SL

* Ab Initio = “beginner”

  • Economics SL/HL
  • Geography SL/HL
  • History SL/HL
  • Psychology SL/HL
  • Business Management SL/HL
  • Biology SL/HL
  • Physics SL/HL
  • Design Technology SL/HL
  • Chemistry SL/HL
  • Mathematics A & I HL
  • Mathematics A & A SL
  • Mathematical A & I SL
  • Visual Arts SL/HL
  • Music SL/HL
  • Theatre SL/HL

The HSDP Core:

IGBIS recognises that the IB DP and CP core is crucial for a balanced, holistic education that prepares students for further studies, work and most importantly, life. Therefore students in DP Course routes or the HSDP are also completing parts of the IB DP/CP core. Students in this pathway have more choices as they are able to select core components from the DP or CP. It is up to the students to choose to submit any of the core components to the IB to be externally assessed or otherwise internally assessed by the school. If components are internally assessed, requirements for the components are reduced. 

  • The Extended Essay (EE): an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper; OR
  • The Reflective Project (RP): an in-depth body of work produced over an extended period of time. It is submitted towards the end of the CP, addressing an ethical issue arising from their career-related studies. High-level research, writing and extended communication skills, intellectual discovery and creativity go into this project; AND/OR
  • Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS): students complete a project and several experiences related to the three concepts over at least 18 months.

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Have a glimpse into our students’ university and college acceptances here. From that milestone to our most recent graduates, our students have received offers from esteemed institutions, setting a strong foundation for their academic journey.

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IB Diploma Programme

Established in 1968 for students aged 16-19, the IB Diploma Programme (DP)  is an internationally recognised academic programme designed to meet the needs of motivated high school students, providing them with a balanced education, and facilitating geographic and cultural mobility, while promoting international understanding. A comprehensive two-year programme that enables students to fulfil the requirements of various national education systems around the world, the IBDP’s curriculum model incorporates the best elements of several national assessment systems. 

Students select six courses that they study for two years while also completing a compulsory core (see the diagram above). Each course lasts two years, from Grade 11 to 12 and in May of the Grade 12 year, the students sit for the IBDP standardised, external examinations.

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IB Careers-related Programme

The IB Career-related Programme (CP) is an innovative educational framework for students aged 16 to 19. This is the newest and fastest-growing IB programme. The CP provides students with an excellent foundation to support their further post-secondary studies, as well as ensure their preparedness for success in the workforce. The CP at IGBIS combines highly regarded and internationally recognised IB Diploma Programme (DP) courses with university-level courses and a unique CP core.

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