IB Diploma Programme (G11-12)

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High Achieving IB Diploma Programme in Malaysia

img-4Established in 1968, for students aged 16-19, the Diploma Programme (DP) provides students with a balanced education that facilitates geographic and cultural mobility while promoting international understanding.

Through the DP at IGB International School, we are able to develop students who:

  • have excellent breadth and depth of knowledge;
  • flourish physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically;
  • study at least two languages;
  • excel in traditional academic subjects;
  • develop an in-depth knowledge of academic writing through the completion of an Extended Essay
  • explore the nature of knowledge through the IB programme’s unique Theory of Knowledge course;
  • have an international outlook through intercultural skills; and
  • explore their passions and develop their talents through the Creativity, Activity,Service programme.

The DP Curriculum

Established in 1968 for students aged 16-19, the IB Diploma Programme (DP) is an internationally recognised academic programme designed to meet the needs of motivated high school students, providing them with a balanced education, facilitating geographic and cultural mobility, while promoting international understanding. A comprehensive two-year programme that enables students to fulfil the requirements of various national education systems around the world, the IBDP’s curriculum model incorporates the best elements of several national assessment systems.

Students select six courses that they study for two years while also completing a compulsory core (see the diagram above). Each course lasts two years from Grade 11 to 12 and in May of the Grade 12 year, the students sit for the IBDP standardised, external examinations.

The DP Core

Subjects & Courses

There are six different DP subject groups, and within each subject group, there are a number of different courses. Students make their particular selections based on a variety of factors. Each student will take at least three (but not more than four) courses at a higher level (HL), and the remaining at standard level (SL). At IGBIS, we generally recommend most students take three HL and three SL subjects.

HL and SL courses differ in scope but are measured according to the same grade descriptors, with students expected to demonstrate a greater body of knowledge, understanding and skills at a higher level.

Standard level subjects take up 150 teaching hours, while higher-level courses comprise 240 teaching hours.

At IGBIS, we offer the following courses:

  • English A Language & Literature SL/HL
  • Chinese A Language & Literature SL/HL
  • Malay A Literature SL/HL
  • Literature Self-taught SL
  • English B SL/HL
  • Chinese Mandarin B SL/HL
  • Spanish B SL/HL
  • Spanish Ab Initio SL

* Ab Initio = “beginner”

  • Economics SL/HL
  • Geography SL/HL
  • History SL/HL
  • Psychology SL/HL
  • Business Management SL/HL
  • Biology SL/HL
  • Physics SL/HL
  • Design Technology SL/HL
  • Chemistry SL/HL
  • Sports Exercise Health Sciences SL/HL
  • Mathematics A & A SL/HL
  • Mathematics A & I SL
  • Visual Arts SL/HL
  • Music SL/HL
  • Theatre SL/HL


At IGBIS, these subject courses are timetabled in such a way to give students an opportunity to take particular combinations or tracks. For example, students can choose either English A Language & Literature or English B Language Acquisition, depending on their level of English. Students can take two sciences – Biology and Chemistry for example – because Chemistry is offered at the same time as the Arts classes.

IGBIS is happy to answer your questions about course selection. To arrange a time to meet, please contact the DP Coordinator via the Secondary School Office.



At IGBIS, these subject courses are timetabled in such a way to give students an opportunity to take particular combinations or tracks. For example, students can choose either English A Language & Literature or English B Language Acquisition, depending on their level of English. Students can take two sciences – Biology and Chemistry for example – because Chemistry is offered at the same time as the Arts classes.

IGBIS is happy to answer your questions about course selection. To arrange a time to meet, please contact the DP Coordinator via the Secondary School Office.

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