IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 311.
October 5, 2022
IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 313.
October 17, 2022Message from the Head of School
Jason McBride
Hello IGBIS Community,
It feels a bit repetitive to say that there is a lot happening at school every week, but in addition to helping our students learn and grow every day, there is indeed a lot going on! From hosting football tournaments to running multiple workshops for parents each week, the IGBIS community has really regained its spark and re-ignited the spirit of togetherness that was so proudly in place prior to Covid. It is fantastic to have had so many elementary families on campus for three-way conferences, with secondary hosting hundreds more online. Keeping the family-student-school triangle closely connected has tremendous benefits on a child and young person’s learning, growth and development and we would like to thank our parents for being so involved in making the conferences a reality. Similarly, we have been connecting parent volunteers with our teachers and staff to work together on special events and thematic days with Deepavali, Days of Play and the Holiday Bazar on the horizon. Again, IGBIS is always a busy place!
Not content to stop there, on the back of our well-being work the last few years and in preparation for the upcoming Council of International Schools re-accreditation visit in November, we are looking for your input on well-being-related activities that the adults in our community might be interested in outside school hours. During the school day and through the after-school activity programme we feel as though we meet a lot of our students’ needs already, but we would like to create opportunities for our parents, teachers and staff to work on their own well-being too.
From mindfulness classes, yoga and online courses, to book studies, hiking groups and exercise classes, we are curious what the adults in our community feel would help support their physical and mental health as we process not only the two-plus years of a pandemic but life in the 21st century as well.
Please take a moment to share your ideas HERE on what you would like to see as part of this programme (please feel free to complete more than one survey if you have a number of suggestions!)
Have a wonderful long weekend, especially if your family is celebrating the Prophet’s birthday (peace be upon him).
From the ES Principal
Simon Millward
What a wonderful week it was last week having different opportunities and purposes for parents to be in school. At the ‘PYP assessment’ workshop on Wednesday 4th, we had about 34 parents attend. I am sure that everyone there learned a lot. My thanks to Chikara Maeda and Saki Matsuura for supporting our Japanese parents with translation and Ms Liyana for being there for our Chinese parents. Although this time we did not have any Korean language support, it is our intention in the future. Ms Aga as always facilitated the workshop skillfully and knowledgeably. The recording and handouts will be shared with any parents who could not attend. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Ms Aga. On Wednesday 12th October we will have a workshop in the PVO room (on level 2) from 8.15 – 915am. This is an Early Childhood workshop and parents in Fireflies, Early Years and KG are encouraged to attend.

On Thursday the 5th we held a Grade 3 sharing morning. It started with the Elementary assembly where the students started to share their learning from their unit of inquiry about
“diversity and our community” I really loved the quotes that the Grade 3’s shared, however, their explanations were just beautiful. I have included two examples here.

- Because in IGBIS everyone is unique, that’s why it’s a team. The differences make us stronger.
- When I see friends dismayed I ask them to play with me instead and we play basketball or cat ball. We ignore those people who disclude while we can all win together.

- Everybody is not always like you. Celebrate differences, and respect other people.
- Everyone is unique and respecting other cultures when they mix it up will be a different kind of bouquet. Everyone is different because their values and behaviours are different.
We were also schooled in mathematical thinking- not only in the assembly, but parents had the chance to engage in it too with the children.
On Friday 7th October we had our 3-way conferences and Parent Teacher conferences. This was a great time for the students to share their progress so far this year and communicate their goals for the remainder of the year. For our younger students, parent-teacher conferences are so valuable for teachers and parents to build relationships, and get to know each other so that together we can guide the students to reach their potential. Speaking with both teachers and parents, the conferences were a positive experience for everyone.
Dates for Your Diaries
- Wednesday 12th October: Early Childhood workshop: PVO room 8.15 – 9.15 am
- Monday 17th October: Day of Play: 1.40 – 4.15: Parents are welcome to join us.
- Friday 21st October: WS Deepavali assembly (students only)
- Monday 24th – Monday 31st: October holiday (no school)
- Tuesday 1st November: School reopens
From the SS Principal
Sandy van Nooten
This week – It was a busy week gearing up for the Three Way Conferences (3WCs) held today (Fri 7th Oct). I hope that parents, teachers and students enjoyed productive and informative discussions and have a clearer sense of what is going well and areas for future focus. If you found ten minutes was too short, please feel free to contact teachers to arrange a longer follow-up meeting if required.
The House Captains were announced this week. Congratulations to this fabulous group of students who will work with Mr Rohit and Ms Laplante to plan and run a range of house activities and events throughout the year.
House Captains for 2022-2023
- AER: Suhani and Carydee
- AQUA: Claire and Minjae
- IGNIS: Khoi and Kimaya
- TERRA: Taejaayn and Hannah
University visits – This week we hosted about a dozen Canadian universities. It was a lovely informal event with the university reps talking candidly about the diversity of the country in terms of the people, geography and weather and also the diversity of Canadian universities with international students, locations, programs, size etc. Thanks to the students who took part and to Ms Amanda Lopez for making it happen. The photos below were taken during the informal ‘chat’ prior to the more formal ‘fair’.

From the sports desk (Craig Wilson) – It has been a busy week of sports at IGBIS. A HUGE thanks to all the parents and teachers that have supported our squads, as well as our coaches who continue to work with our student-athletes. The complexity of sports makes coaching one of the most challenging things a teacher can do. Coaches find themselves working as motivators, mediators, educators, strategists, and generals.
A Wet Cross Country Team – On Saturday the 1st, the IGB Cross Country team took part in the AIMS X-country meet held at MARDI. Our younger runners did an outstanding job, with several placing in the top 20 of their races. Times and placements will be shared this week! Unfortunately, inclement weather forced the cancellation of the races that included our U15 and O15 athletes. While a great day for some, this picture says it all.

U15 Boys and girls advance to the next round of AIMS
IGB hosted the first round of the U15 Boys and Girls tournaments on Tuesday. The boy’s team faced off against two equal opponents. The first game came to a 1-1 draw against ISB, and 0-0 against their second opponent, ELC. The girls’ team found themselves challenged by the size and speed of their opponents and dropped all 3 of their matches to ELC, SJIIM and ISP.
Both teams will now advance to the final stage of the AIMS conference and will have their sights set on the Small Division Cup Championship.
The O15 Boys Football team remains UNDEFEATED
On Thursday, the boys faced off with MKIS, ELC, and SJIIM in the first round of the AIMS Football tournament. The first match against MKIS proved to be the most challenging, but our Phoenix walked away with a 2-0 victory. Next to fall was Saint Joseph’s, as our boys took that one at a score of 2-0. They finished off the day in a decisive manner, defeating ELC with a score of 6-0.

The team now has brought their season record to 7-0, with the AIMS Finals being the last hurdle to what has started as a fantastic season so far.

Parent workshops – We hosted two workshops this week. One on Demystifying MYP Assessment (hosted by Lennan MacDonald) and one on Applying to US Universities and colleges (hosted by Amanda Lopez). Thanks to Lennan, Amanda and all the parents who came in.

Upcoming events in Secondary (between now and the end of the semester)
- 3WCs – Fri 7th Oct (8 am to 4:30 pm)
- 3-Day Weekend – Holiday on Mon 10th Oct
- MYP Certificates Awarded to Gr.11 students – Tue 11th Oct (during wellness)
- PSAT Exams – Wed 12th Oct from 8:30 to 12:45 (list of students involved)
- Day of Play – Tue 18th Oct
- Gr.11/12 – during block 3 and part of lunch (regular day otherwise)
- Gr.6 to 10 – during block 3 and 4 (regular day otherwise)
- ISPP MUN – Trip to Phnom Penh for MUN conference departs Thu 20th Oct. Release at 2:45pm. (Returns Sun 23rd Oct). Here’s the list of students attending.
- Deepavali Assembly – Fri 21st Oct. Collapsed assembly schedule.
- HOLIDAY – Sat 22nd Oct to Mon 31st Oct
- EOSMUN – IGBIS MUN Fri 4th & Sat 5th Nov
- CIS/NEASC/IB – reaccreditation visit runs from 12th Nov to Fri 18th
- 3-day weekend – Holiday on Mon 21st Nov
- Group IV trip (Gr.12) – Wed 23rd & Thu 24th Nov
- Aquathlon (Gr.6 to 11) – Fri 25th Nov during block 2 & 3 (regular day otherwise)
- OPEN DAY – Sat 26th Nov (9:30 to 12:30). Will involve some teachers & some student ambassadors
- Gr.11 Exams – Thu 1st Dec to Mon 5th Dec
- MYP Vis Arts Exhibition – Mon 5th Dec to Fri 16th Dec
- Holiday Bazaar – Fri 9th Dec (12 to 7 pm)
- 3-day weekend – Holiday on Mon 12th Dec
- MB Closes – Tue 13th Dec (at 8:00am)
- S1 Reports Released – Thu 15th Dec (by 4 pm)
- Christmas Assembly – Fri 16th Dec. We will follow the Collapsed (assembly) schedule.
- HOLIDAY – Sat 17th Dec to Mon 9th Jan
Parent Session Overview (for the year) – Here’s a link to all the parent workshops in Secondary.
Useful links for parents
- Student LaunchPad (this is the place to go to find out what’s happening in school on a day-to-day basis). It also has a ‘quick links’ section where you can find lots of important documents.
- Secondary Assessment Procedures – a 4-page document outlining our assessment expectations and procedures. (Also available from Student LaunchPad & Splash)
- A to Z Secondary Handbook – This gives an overview of all our policies, expectations and procedures. (Also available from Student LaunchPad & Splash)
Have a lovely looooong weekend.
October, Masks, and Authenticity
The Counseling Team
Welcome to October and welcome to a new Mental Health focus for the Month: Authenticity!
October brings us wetter weather, Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday, Deepavali, and Autumn Break. It is also the month of Halloween, which gives us a perfect time to use the metaphor of wearing masks and look at all the ways we live or hide behind multiple layers and different masks, sometimes not being our true, authentic selves.
Brene Brown is one of the go-to experts on authenticity, vulnerability, and shame, so we’ll be sharing a lot of her work throughout the month. To start us off, let’s look at the definition of authenticity. In her book The Gifts of Imperfection, Brown says authenticity is the antidote to shame. She goes on to say:
“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we are supposed to be, and embracing who we are.”
This is NOT easy stuff!!!
So, for the next month, we’ll explore the courage to take off our masks, emerge from our protective layers, and celebrate being our awesome, imperfect, human selves.
HERE is the initial Ted Talk where Brown confronts the “Power of Vulnerability.”

The Masks We Wear – To help us recognize and honour the masks that we wear, students, faculty, and staff are invited to join in an art activity to explore our authentic selves, celebrate, and create representations of the different masks we wear.
You do not need to bring anything, just show up, colour, and have fun.
- Fridays, 14 & 21 October
- During Lunch
- MYP Lounge
Take care,
The Counseling Team
Future Planning Weekly Update
Amanda Lopez
Highlights for the Week
- Wednesday – University of Exeter Visit during lunch
- Wednesday – PSAT testing for registered students (Please see an email from Amanda)
What’s Next? Series:
- Session 1: Applying US – Access the recording, slide deck, and resources HERE
- Session 2: Applying UK, Scotland, & Ireland
- Wednesday, 19 Oct
- Parent Session: 8:15, PVO
- Parents, register HERE
- Student Session: 3:10, Secondary Library
- Students, please register in Cialfo
Final Reminder! Cialfo Merge is HERE – As of Oct 1, all college and career communication will be sent via Cialfo.
Grade 9 – 11 students have now all been introduced and onboarded to Cialfo. As a reminder, Cialfo is our career and future planning platform of IGB. Communication regarding events like university fairs and open days, and resources, like help with creating a CV, will all be communicated through Cialfo starting 1 October (no more duplicate emails!).

Uni Visits
This week we were lucky enough to host 13 Canadian Universities on campus, and the reps were kind enough to have a sit and chat with the few students who signed up to attend during 3rd block. The takeaway: Applying to Canada is one of the EASIEST application processes (most do not require essays or letters of recommendations!)

Find out more about each of the visiting universities here: Lakehead University, Trent University, University of Victoria, Huron University, York University, Ontario Tech University, Queen’s University, Memorial University, Simon Fraser University, University of Manitoba, Dalhousie University, University of Guelph, Wilfrid Laurier University
Grade 12 Early Appliers:
Early apps are due WEDNESDAY, 12 October!
Uni App Help:
- Tuesday, 11 October – ALL DAY
- Thursday, 13 October – During Lunch (1 day past the IGB deadline)
University of the Week
Canada Highlight (thanks to this week’s uni fair!)

Resources and Opportunities
Contacts from our Fairs
The following colleges & universities were so impressed with our students during their visits, they have reached out to share additional information and opportunities to connect. Check them out –
- California Baptist University – Virtual Tour & link to the digital version of the International Admissions Guide
- Colorado State University – Colorado State University is committed to diversifying their international student population, and as such, have 10 undergraduate scholarships of 50% off non-resident tuition dedicated to the SEA region. This award is worth approximately $15,000 per year and reduces the I-20 cost to $35,988 per year.
- Career Interest Explorer Programme Competition
In brief, this is a competition, initiated by the University of Exeter and SUN ASA Education, which aims to discover young talents who are keen to study Law / Humanities subjects. Participants will be selected to present in front of Dr. Greta Bosch, who is an experienced professor at the University of Exeter with more than 20 years of teaching experience in Law modules.

College Essay Guy Parent Sessions (US Focus)
Simplifying the Complex Financial Aid Process
Oct 12, 4-5pm PT (7-8pm ET)
In this guest session, Mary Lawyer (Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management at Siena College) will be covering:
- Applying for financial aid
- How can you understand a college’s true cost of attendance?
- Need-based and merit-based aid
- Financial aid packaging and awards
- Q&A on all things related to paying for college
Standardized Testing Demystified
Oct 20, 4-5pm PT (7-8pm ET)
Senior Director of Outreach at Compass Education Group and veteran standardized testing expert Matty Steiner will lead a thoughtful and practical discussion on college admissions testing, plus discuss the recent outcomes of the test optional movement. We’ll be covering:
- The evolving role of test scores in specific contexts
- Making sense of the subtlety and variety of testing policies
- Fresh admissions data from test score submitters and non-submitters
- Making an informed choice between the ACT and SAT
- The diagnostic value of the PSAT and other practice tests
- Optimal timing and smart approaches to test preparation and testing
10 Myths Debunked About Highly Selective College Admissions
Nov 2, 2022 4-5pm PT (7-8pm ET)
Cristina Usino, Associate Dean of Admission and Director of Diversity Initiatives & Partnerships at Wesleyan University, will host an informative discussion on the myths (and truths) of highly selective college admissions and the holistic review process. Cristina, who also worked as Associate Director of Admissions at Lafayette College, will share practical guidance and answer your questions. In particular, she’ll cover:
- Are colleges seeking well-rounded students?
- Will applying for financial aid hurt your chances of admission?
- How are family responsibilities valued, if at all?
- Is writing a creative essay a big risk?
- Does the college process begin junior year?
- If essays and interviews are optional, should they be ignored?
- Is volunteer work a non-negotiable?
- If I get a few low grades, are my chances of admission ruined?
- Are supplemental essay questions less or more important than the main personal statement?
- Is it better to take easier classes and get a higher GPA?
October Resources from The College Essay Guy (US Focus)
- College App & Admissions Timeline: This timeline and set of resources track the college search and application process from 9th through 12th grade.
- Four-Year Course Planner: Make sure you stay on track for both high school and college requirements by filling out this planner each semester. Review the graduation requirements for each subject area and the different course levels offered. The more selective the college, the more it will want to see you go above and beyond the minimum requirements.
- Big 5 Personality Assessment: Learn more about your strengths, challenges, and communication and learning styles.
- If your counseling office uses MaiaLearning, take a look at the self-assessment options and give them a try.
- If your counseling office uses Scoir, start your YouScience assessment in the app.
- Build healthy routines: Prioritize sleep, healthy food choices and exercise. Stronger physical health = stronger mental health, increased focus and better decision-making skills.
- College App & Admissions Timeline: This timeline and set of resources track the college search and application process from 9th through 12th grade.
- YouScience Aptitudes Test: What are you good at? Take this online assessment, which uses a combination of personality, interest, and aptitudes testing to help you explore careers that might be a good fit. Or, if your counseling office uses Naviance, try the Do What You Are assessment.
- Virtual college tours: Curious about what college is all about, but not feeling ready for an in-person visit? Have fun searching through these student-driven virtual college tours.
- PSAT: Take the exam and get a feel for what SAT Test Day will be like. Your score will help highlight your test-taking strengths and areas for improvement, and will inform your test-prep plan moving forward.
- How to create a college list (with tracking spreadsheet): Use this guide and organizing tool to begin building a list of schools that you’re excited about.
- How to research schools without visiting a campus: You don’t need to step on a college campus to begin researching schools. Here are four resources that will show you how.
- Going test optional: What is it? Confused about whether or not test scores matter? Here’s an overview of what you need to know.
- FairTest: Looking for a comprehensive list of colleges and universities with test-optional admission policies? Here you go.
- Dealing with learning differences? Researching the available support services and programs will be a critical part of your list building. Learn the differences between accommodations in high school and services offered at colleges.
- How to Decide Whether to Apply Early Decision or Early Action: Double-check your ED/EA deadlines—some fall as early as October 15th. Note that some school-based scholarships require that you apply by the early deadline.
- University of California and CSU: For those of you applying to the UC and CSU systems, the applications are due on November 30th.
- FAFSA + CSS PROFILE: Start filling out these forms to make sure to meet the deadlines set by the colleges on your list.
- College Application Fee Waivers: Find out if you qualify for fee waivers and, if so, how to get them.
- Resource guide for low-income students or those experiencing homelessness: Learn more about college costs, financial aid, and available services.
- Supplemental essay responses: If you’re applying to schools that require additional essays beyond the main personal statement, this is a must-read.
- Interview with colleges that offer them: Depending on the school, you can either sign up on its website or respond to an invitation it sends via email.
- Demonstrated interest: Remember that it’s important to let the colleges on your list know that you’re really interested in attending their schools. Keep connecting with college representatives when they visit your school, your community, or via virtual sessions online.
- Research scholarships: Continue to research scholarship opportunities, making special note of requirements and deadlines.
Popular Resources and FAQs
Questions, Support, and Help
Amanda Lopez
Grades 9 – 12 Universities Counseling & Social/Personal Counseling
To schedule an appointment:
- Parents – https://calendly.com/lopez-igbis/parent-community-meeting
- Students – https://bit.ly/IGBHSCounselor
- Email – amanda.lopez@igbis.edu.my
Parent Workshops (October 2022)
Elementary School
- Wed, 12th Oct / 8.15 am – 9.15 am: Early Childhood
- Wed, 19th Oct / 8.15 am – 9.15 am: Science and Social Studies through the lens of the UN Global Goals
Secondary School
- Fri Oct 14th 2022 / 8:15 – 9:15am: MYP Service as Action (SAA): Philosophy Requirements & Expectations (SAA within curriculum + commitment & engagement beyond curriculum)
- Wed 19 Oct 2022 / 8:15 – 10:30am: What’s Next? Wednesday Session: Applying to the UK, Scotland, and Ireland
- Thu 20 Oct 2022 / 3:00 – 4:00pm: Introduction to Savannah College of Art and Design (USA Uni) by the Assistant Director of Admission from SCAD + overview of the IBCP pathway in G11-12 (Sign up)
Kukri’s Leggings Available at the Uniform Shop
We have Kukri’s leggings of various sizes in our Uniform Shop now. Parents/students can get them directly from our Uniform Shop instead of ordering them from Kukri’s website. Come visit our Uniform Shop if you want to be the proud owner of a pair of IGBIS/Kukri leggings 😊.