IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 226
April 18, 2020
MCO Extended Until June 9th, 2020.
May 14, 2020Message from the Head of School
Mrs Anne Fowles, Head of School
Dear IGBIS Families,
The month of April is slipping away. It seems as though time is passing by slowly some days and quickly at other times! As we near the end of April, we would like to wish our Muslim friends who have begun fasting during the month of Ramadan, “Selamat berpuasa (blessed fasting)” and to our Australian, New Zealand and Turkish families we join with you in remembering ANZAC day today (April 25th)
Movement Control Order (MCO)
As most of you would have heard by now, in the special Ramadan address to the public by the Prime Minister of Malaysia on Thursday evening, the MCO has proven to be quite effective. But while we see an improvement in the situation our continued discipline to keep COVID-19 at bay is very much needed. Therefore the MCO has been extended for a fourth phase until the 12th of May, 2020. This means that school will continue to operate with distance learning at least until then. With the continued efforts of our committed frontliners in the medical sector, and the cooperation of the rest of the people in Malaysia by staying home and adhering to physical distancing, the government is positive that the pandemic will come to an end in Malaysia soon.
Zomi Education Centre (ZEC)
We announced in the last update memo, that we would begin the second phase of our efforts to help ZEC through means of financial aid. Just after the announcement, our community jumped straight into the action! Families and staff have donated to the cause and we have managed to collect a total of RM 2,200.00 in just five days! We are short of RM 650.00 to reach our target (RM 2,700.00) and believe that it can be achieved in the last three days of our collection (27th – 29th April). Please take note that the collection will not take place during the weekend for safety and security reasons.
We would also like to remind our families and staff that if you are to make any contributions soon, to please complete our e-logbook so that our accounts can tally. You can do so here.
Earth Day – Week
Thanks are extended to our Elementary School Student Council who organised a number of activities to highlight Earth Day including different colour themes for each day this week. I think our earth has very much enjoyed a reprieve from the effects of mankind these last few weeks. Although the COVD-19 pandemic has raged around the world it has been wonderful to see the sky become clearer and the wildlife renewed during the MCO!
Re-enrollment Survey
As of today, we have received a large number of re-enrollment responses but there are quite a few outstanding. Do let us know if you intend to re-enrol with IGBIS so that we are able to secure a place for your child(ren) in the coming academic year. For those who have yet to complete our re-enrollment survey, we would like to remind you that the deadline to complete this is before the 7th of May, 2020. We look forward to seeing you and your child(ren) joining us again in the 2020-21 academic year.
Please continue to stay safe and stay connected in your bubble. We wish you the best, and may good health and happiness continue to fill your household in this trying time.
From the Elementary School Principal
Simon Millward, Elementary School Principal
A big thanks to the Elementary student council for organizing the dress-up days and Earth day activities on the 22nd April this week. I hope that you enjoyed engaging with the Minecraft activity and the fun game about recycling and compost and being a part of the Wild earth safari. We are eagerly waiting for school to open so that we can do our part for the environment and collect all the e-waste that you photographed. Please continue to collect the e-waste and bring it into school when we start back.
In talking with the IGBIS teachers they have been sharing how understanding and patient you as parents have been through these trying times of the MCO. The care and support that you are continuing to show towards the children’s learning is key to the success of the distance learning model. Due to the age of our Elementary students, it is necessary to gain a balance between on-screen and off-screen time. It seems that you are now in rhythm and are much more accustomed to the routines of the week.
This week both Ms Aga and I sent out some information regarding students ‘Reflecting on their learning’. The email, infographic and video we hope will assist you as you find the section on the learning grids all about this next week.
Just a reminder that this upcoming week is a 4 day week with Friday being 1st May and the Labour day holiday in Malaysia and around the world.
Thank you for your continued support and stay and stay socially connected in your bubble.
PE During Ramadan
Sean Lovesey, Head of Physical Education
Dear Parents/Guardians,
With the onset of Ramadan, I would like to clarify the PE departments expectations for physical activity for students during Ramadan whilst we take part in the MCO. We would like to support all students as much as possible during this time, being aware of the importance of the need to continue to be physically active and have non-screen time.
Due to the feeling of being tired and especially with the amount of screen time that is required during the MCO, it is more important than in past years to have some form of physical activity.
Having spoken to various members of the IGBIS community who will also be observing Ramadan and have children themselves, and after much thought and consideration we have decided that the best way to support students would be as follows:
- Students are in control of their own participation in lessons. Students will be allowed to choose how much they would like to participate. Some exercises may be easier than others.
- We expect students to take part in lessons when communicating and answering questions.
We hope these guidelines help and support our students through Ramadan. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards.