IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 259.
March 24, 2021
IBDP Visual Arts Exhibition 2021
April 13, 2021Message From the Head of School
School resumed very smoothly after the break and it almost seems like things are back to normal especially now that we have a range of teacher-led activities taking place from 3:00 to 4:00 pm.
Art Exhibition
Congratulations to; Mr Pendlebury, Ms Hadewych, Mr Cant and Ms Elli; the grade 9 -11 drama and music students who performed and the grade 12 Visual Arts students, who exhibited their work in the Art Exhibition this week. The opening on Monday evening was absolutely delightful and everyone involved should be feeling quite proud of their achievements. The art exhibition is an important aspect of the IB Diploma Programme and IB Career-related programme at IGBIS. It was wonderful that we were able to see this come to fruition in 2021.

IGBIS Korean Community Donation
The IGBIS Korean Community has very kindly made a donation of RM6,980 for the Phoenix Foundation. The donation is to be used as seed money for future scholarship opportunities for students attending IGBIS. This is exactly the kind of gesture that we hope will take place over time so that we can support and sustain student scholarships and student-led endeavours. Some of the parents also donated hand sanitisers for our students to use in school. I would like to thank the IGBIS Korean Community for their generosity.
School Fees
The School Board has met to deliberate on the budget for the next school year as well as the school fees. In view of the ongoing financial challenges that our parent community is facing, the school board has decided to freeze our school tuition fees going into 2021-22. This means that the tuition fees in 2021-22 will remain the same as in 2020-21. We will send out the full information of the 2021-22 school fees along with the re-enrolment forms before the end of the month.
Elementary School Updates
Simon Millward, Elementary School Principal
Today we had the homeroom teacher contributions to our ES assembly. There were many great items and it is wonderful to see the learning that is happening around the school.
EY has been busy making shops in a shopping mall. I loved the shopping mall they created including the temperature scanner. Looking at the video there was so much maths and language involved with making signs and taking money for purchased items etc.

KG focused on the wonderful sharing of their writing about the Lorax and what they can be doing to care for the environment.

G1 shared their maths explorations about finding out how people use measurement in their daily lives. They shared a variety of ways that they could measure not only length but width, weight, capacity and time as well.

G2 highlighted that there are differences between discoveries, inventions and innovations. They showed us how they learned together and shared their ideas with each other.

G3 as I previously mentioned in past newsletters have been learning all about the systems of the human body. Today they shared how they are incorporating maths into their unit of inquiry by measuring the various bones as well as writing information reports, making clay digestive systems and modifying a well-known song in the own way.

G4 shared how they researched information about their unit of inquiry. They shared their learning about what individuals need in order to reach self-actualisation. Without having a foundation of physiological wellness, safety, love and self-esteem you can’t reach self-actualisation.

The G5 students are keeping a secret as to what they have been busy doing- watch this space.
It is great that our modified activities programme has started. It may only be small but the children seem to be enjoying attending.
Finally, you will be receiving more information by email about what our student-led conferences will be like on Saturday 24th April. We wanted to try and stay true to what we believe a student-led conference should be, but also to adhere to the SOP’s. We will be using a blended approach on this day. A virtual and physical approach.
Dates for your diaries
- 13th April: Ramadan starts
- 22nd & 23rd April: G5 PYP Exhibition
- 24th April: Student-Led conferences
- 29th April: Public holiday no school: Nuzul Al Quran
Gender Neutral Day
Asuna, Grade 5
My name is Asuna. I am in Grade 5 and have been looking at Gender Equality for my PYPX.
While looking at my global goal, I researched and learned about gender stereotypes and how they can hurt children. This is really important to me because people think that boys and girls shouldn’t play sports together. But actually, in the research I did, I discovered it is good that boys and girls play sports together because they see each other as equals.
We will have Gender Neutral Day on Thursday, 15 April at IGBIS to help students understand they can just be who they want to be. Boys don’t have to wear blue and girls don’t have to wear pink. We can dress however we want no matter our gender.
Please dress to show who you really are (just remember to dress appropriately for school). Boys can wear pink, girls can wear blue, and you can be a unicorn if that’s who you feel you are inside.
Thank you.

Week 1 of Clubs!

What a week! The first week went swimmingly, the students were clearly happy to be back with Activities and Athletics and the school felt alive! A HUGE thank you to the staff for all their hard work and for running the clubs.
A reminder for pick up times:
- 4:05pm.
- KG & G1 = Level 1 Turnstiles
- G2- G5 = Level 2 Turnstiles.
- 4:10pm
- Secondary students at level 2 turnstiles
Some clubs have already reached capacity and we have waiting lists for those, others have availability still. Please make contact with the Activities and Athletics Directors Mr Ngatai or Miss Spracklan if you would like to sign up for more.
- Activities: Scott Ngatai: scott.ngatai@igbis.edu.my
- Athletics: Ruth Spracklan: ruth.spracklan@igbis.edu.my