IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 204
September 27, 2019
IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 206
October 11, 2019Message from the Head of School
Dear IGBIS Parents and Community Members
This week we celebrated our student enrolment reaching 500, with more students applying at our Open Day today. A huge thank you to our Admissions and Marketing team for all their work, and to the rest of the staff and parent community who have worked to support us as we have grown. We are very fortunate to have seen steady growth since the school opened and to manage this growth so that we maintain the quality of our programmes, the IB education on offer to our students and that very special community that is IGBIS.

We are looking forward to the Day of Play today. This is open to all of our families – regardless of the children’s ages, they will find activities that they will enjoy with their parents. So come along and join in!
Anne Fowles, Head of School
From the Elementary School Principal
Last weekend I was fortunate enough to attend the Masquerade dinner. A big thank you to all of those who organised such a fun evening. The atmosphere was wonderful as I could hear lots of laughter and see some slick movers on the dance floor and catwalk. If you didn’t manage to get there this year we still have other social occasions throughout the year, but mark it in your calendars for next year.

It felt great to attend the Elementary assembly this week, it seems like such a long time since we had one. Congratulations to all the performers, Grade 1 for their very thoughtful assembly. I hope all the students can remember the characters (Super Starfish Friend, the Conversation Crab, the Listening Lobster and the Fair Play Porpoise) to help them act in caring ways with their classmates. Our Phoenix Tweeters also did a great job singing “A Wonderful Life.” Practising performing is so important and all of the performers were risk-takers today as they shared their learning.
Just a reminder that this Saturday, 5th October 9.30 – 12.00, we have our ‘Day of Play’. Ms Aga wrote in detail in last week’s newsletter about it. It should be a fun morning – come along as a family to create and play.
Next Monday and Tuesday we have our Elementary School 3 Way (G2- G5) and Parent-Teacher (FF- G1) Conferences. This is a time to learn from your children and the classroom teacher as to how your children are progressing so far this year. There is a time when you can connect with the single-subject teachers as well, like Music, PE, Art, Chinese, Host Nation, Spanish, Bahasa Malaysia and ESOL.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday and early next week.
Dates for your diaries
- Monday 7th October: 3.20 – 5.20pm: 3 Way/PT conferences
- Tuesday 8th October: G5 Bring Your Own Macbook IT session 8.00 – 9.00 am
- Tuesday 8th October: 1.00 pm – 7 pm: 3 Way/PT conferences
- Thursday 24th October: 8.00 am – 9.00 am: Parent Presentation: Keeping kids safe, happy and healthy in the digital age
- Friday 25th October: Deepavali assembly: Morning and afternoon performances
- Monday 28th – Friday 1st Nov: School holiday
Simon Millward, Elementary School Principal
From the Secondary School Principal
Dear Parents & IGBIS Community,
I continued to visit classes this week and really enjoyed seeing the different types of active learning taking place. Many classes are working towards summative assessments or building the skills needed prior and it is striking how this looks different in our school. An example is our Grade 9 I&S students, who are taking part in a simulation of how revolutions have come about historically, using the particular example of the causes leading to the French Revolution. A simulation truly brings to life the involvement of individuals and the key events taking place, giving students a first-hand experience of the historical event. What a fun and enjoyable way to learn! I observed a group of Grade 10 Design students working on the design specifications for a new Cafe, and were doing physical inspections of the proposed location. Activities like this are observable examples of what it means to have real-life learning experiences. These are just a couple of examples, though I observed many more this week as well.
It was a very busy week for sport and I would like to congratulate our athletes for their performances and results. Teams went out almost every day this week, and the coaches commented to me about the progress they observed from our players, their good sportsmanship, and in some cases some winning results as well.
Looking forward, next week we will be sending out information on our Three-Way (Parent, Student and Teacher) Conferences, taking place on October 22nd – 24th. Parents will receive access to the booking system to be able to make their appointments with teachers.
Enjoy your weekend,
Michael Arcidiacono | Secondary School Principal
Become The Leader You Are
Anxiety, negativity, self-doubt, pessimism; are all frames of mind that we all fall victim to on a weekly or even daily basis. We subject ourselves to negative thoughts because it’s an easy form of escape when we encounter problems that are arduous. After all, it’s a lot easier to give up when the odds don’t seem to be in your favour. This mentality prevents people from striving for their goals and so they ultimately trap themselves into a mundane and monotonous lifestyle.
Around a week ago, a panel of motivational speakers took the stage to inspire us to overcome obstacles and develop leadership as a mindset. There was Carla Cuglietta, a humanitarian who had sought to help countries mangled in chaos by ensuring children of those countries get the education that they need to build a better tomorrow. There was also Tyler Waye, the author of “I Went to School That Long for This”, who taught us that the best leaders are those who are able to adapt and conquer.

Then there was Chris Koch, a motivational speaker who was born with no arms or legs. This does not stop him from attending marathons, working at a farm, and travelling around the world to tell others his story. Last weekend, he competed in the KLSC marathon right here in Kuala Lumpur and completed it! He mentions that people should not stress over things that they can’t control, and instead focus on the things that they are able to do in order to live life to the fullest. His feats alone are definitive proof that people are able to achieve things when they put their minds to it. He inspired us DP students to aim for bigger goals and to persevere through thick and thin. To find out more about Chris, you may look at his Instagram, @ifican.chriskoch.
Desmond & Omar, Grade11 Students
EPIC Journey
An interview with Weng Yew (Tosh) Cheah, Grade 10 Student
1. Explain the background about your involvement in EPIC Homes?
When I first started, I was hoping this was the perfect opportunity to stay away from school for 2 days! But after day one, I realized that building was a lot of fun and I got to learn a lot of new stuff. At the end of this activity, we handed over the keys to the home recipient and it was the most rewarding part! This is why I decided to continue my journey. At Epic Homes, we have different rankings which are volunteer builders, apprentices, specialists, and master builders. Initially as a builder. I decided to continue and attend the ABC ( Advanced Builder Course ) and eventually became a facilitator and apprentice.
2. Where would you like this to take you?
I want to study paramedic science and then become a paramedic. My involvement with EPIC Homes is more of a hobby.
3. Would you recommend it to others? Why?
I definitely recommend it! You learn a variety of skills and how to use tools safely, but in a building task, you do not just build a house – you also collaborate with people you don’t know.
4. What does it mean to facilitate a workshop?
Facilitating a workshop means teaching. Before the new builders go to the build, Epic Homes host a BB ( Basic Builder ) workshop. In this workshop, new builders will get through with basic knowledge of different tools and the safety aspect.
I hope everyone on the Build 2.0 will enjoy this experience of becoming Extraordinary People Impacting Communities!

IGB X MKIS 2.0 workshop 2019
Saturday, September 28th

IGB X MKIS workshop 2018 Oct 13th

IGB X MKIS build 2018, October 18-20
Coach’s Corner
Feedback from Parent workshop – Managebac and Splash.
Thank you to the parents who attended the workshop. Mr Adam was able to find some guinea pigs to try out some of the more advanced features. Go Parents! In addition, we were able to fix a few of the issues that occurred on the day. If you previously saw a blank screen or an error message on your Splash, it’s fixed now. Thank you for giving him a good excuse to geek out!

Also note that Managebac does have an app as well now, and we encourage parents to download it and use it. A great feature of this is the ability to mark your child absent for the school day. Currently available in the Apple AppStore, it is coming soon for Android.

And a special treat to our newsletter readers. If you have a student in the MYP, there is a new button on the parent’s Splash Page, Sec Parents called “MYP Progress Reporter.” Use it to see all ManageBac assessment results that have been marked by teachers. Let Mr Adam know if you find it useful; the DP version is in the works!
Parent workshops will run on a monthly basis. We plan to host our next one at the end of October before the term break — ‘Keeping kids safe, happy and healthy in the digital age’. I will also look to introduce Managebac and Splash again, so if you missed the first one, don’t worry there will be another.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Digital Safety
As part of our school’s commitment to online safety, I will be sharing family tips throughout this month. This month, we look at media balance and well being – some useful tips include
- Create screen-free times and zones
- Use parental controls
- Establish clear family rules
- Watch and play together
- Identify healthy behaviours
Although this article by Commonsense Media focuses on children, these tips are something we can all use in our daily lives. Follow these links for further reading –
Adrianna Astle, Technology Coach
Masquerade Party
Fabulous masks, scrumptious food, mingling games, numerous gifts and awards, show-stopping outfits, beautiful decorations and nonstop dancing fun. Just a few words to describe another event successfully organized by the PVO Social Committee members: Liez Pucher, Christina Quek, Ivy Tan, Sandy Tan, Felicier Suppiah, Shamina Nordin, Raja Norlina, Tina Webster, Flora Remeo, Suzana Tan, Preeti Raghunath, Anita Rao, Pragya Puri and Sujatha Bhaskaran.
We celebrated the 3rd annual PVO Social themed ‘Masquerade Party’ at The Boulevard Hotel on Saturday, 28 September 2019. The evening began with exquisitely dressed parents choosing handmade masks, dining to a delicious buffet dinner, followed by games and gift giveaways, led by our two Masters of Ceremonies Liez Pucher and Felicier Suppiah. Dozens of lucky draw gifts, including lucky chairs surprises kept guests entertained, as did move-about mingling games which, as appropriately mentioned in the event, made parents real IB “risk-takers,” Learner Profile-style.
One of the highlights of the event was undoubtedly the Masquerade Catwalk, where surprisingly, not only the best-dressed outfits were awarded, but also where others were recognized for their rare feats – the best catwalk “walker”, biggest risk-taker, most congenial, best smile, most creative and most mysterious person of the event.
On behalf of the school, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to all of the PVO Social Committee members who have diligently handcrafted the vast assortment of masks, secured hundreds of gifts and sponsorships, and spent countless hours in decoration and games creation for the entire IGBIS community to enjoy. Please consider joining the PVO Social Committee next year if you’re keen on being part of organizing another extraordinary community event!
Julie Arcidiacono, Community Support and Services Coordinator

More photos at:
Withdrawal Notification and Refundable Deposit
We are experiencing unprecedented interest in our school at the moment which is very exciting and reflects the hard work of the whole school community and what we are achieving at IGBIS. Each year we ask our families to let us know as soon as possible if you know that you will be leaving the school during the academic year. According to our Terms and Conditions, we would remind you that in order to receive a full refund of the deposit, a signed Withdrawal Form should be submitted to the Admissions Office on or before the 31st October 2019.
Wayne Demnar, Director of Admissions and Public Relations
College Counselling News
IGBIS Events
UK/UCAS Deadline Application Deadline
Parents, take note that the 15 October deadline is only two weeks away. Make sure your students’ undergraduate applications for courses at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and most courses in medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine/science are with us by 18:00 (UK time) to guarantee equal consideration.
Practice SAT (PSAT/NMSQT) October 2019
The PSAT/NMSQT is tightly aligned with the redesigned SAT and provide educators and students with the chance to check in on student progress. The exams will support all students with a clear focus on the skills and knowledge that matter most for college and career success. Scores from the PSAT/NMSQT are used by several organisations to identify candidates for their awards or recognition programs if they plan to complete higher education in the USA. Students who take the SAT or the PSAT/NMSQT can opt in to Student Search Services, making their names and information available to scholarship programs as well as colleges.
It will cost each student 110 MYR to sit the test on Wednesday, 16 October 2019
We strongly encourage students in Grade 9,10 and 11 to use this as an opportunity to prepare for future applications to the United States.
If you are interested, please email me at bill.mitchell@igbis.edu.my
Once you have registered interest, further details will be shared on timing and preparations for the test.
Cambridge Immerse Summer School Essay Competition
Are you interested in attending the Immerse Cambridge Summer School?
We offer a variety of summer programmes, from Architecture to Physics, and if you’re looking to showcase your academic skills then this is the essay competition for you! The Immerse Education Essay Competition offers applicants the opportunity to win a 100% scholarship to participate on an Immerse summer programme.
Details of the competition, the guidelines, the prizes and important competition dates for your diary are outlined here.
If you have questions or would like some help with your prompt, see Mr Mitchell and your relevant subject teachers!
The deadline is Monday, 20 January 2020
Upcoming University visits
Parents and students are encouraged to attend!!
- MONDAY OCTOBER 14 @ 9:30 am (Secondary Library, 6th Floor)
University Visit: University of British Columbia (UBC) – Canada
Come and meet Mr Jeff Kiyooka, the Manager of International Recruitment for Asia and Europe. UBC is currently ranked #34 in the world and is situated in one of the most livable cities in the world. Each year we have students join UBC with scholarship, come and see if you are next!
- TUESDAY OCTOBER 15 @ 12:50pm (Secondary Library, 6th Floor)
University Visit: University of the Arts, London – UK
University of the Arts London (UAL) is ranked 2nd in the world for Art and Design according to the 2019 QS World University Rankings®. It is Europe’s largest specialist art and design university, with over 19,000 students from more than 130 countries. Established in 2004, UAL brings together six esteemed arts, design, fashion and media Colleges, which were founded in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
- WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 16 @ 9:30 am (Secondary Library, 6th Floor)
University Visit: University of Bath – UK
Join Siobhan Ralfe, the International Recruitment Officer for the University of Bath, and Dr Thompson of the Pharmacy Department as they discuss Bath as a destination in general and then share specific expertise about Pharmacy.
- WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 16 @ 12:50pm (Secondary Library, 6th Floor)
University Visit: Swansea University – UK
Dr Salim Mohamed Salim, Associate Professor in Engineering, and Director of International Partnerships from Swansea University will be joining us to discuss the potential of Swansea, and the field of engineering as a profession.
- MONDAY OCTOBER 21 @ 12:50pm (Secondary Library, 6th Floor)
University Visit: Royal College of Surgeons(RCSI) – Ireland
Claire O’Connor
Student Recruitment Specialist
RCSI Admissions and Student Recruitment
- WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 @ 12:50 (Secondary Library, 6th Floor)
University Visit: Drake University – USA
Drake University is a private mid-sized university in Des Moines, Iowa, US, founded in 1881. The institution’s law school is amongst the oldest in the US. The institution offers over 70 majors and 20 graduate degrees across six colleges and schools: College of Arts and Sciences, Law School, School of Education, College of Business and Public Administration, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
- MONDAY DECEMBER 9 @ 12:50 (Secondary Library, 6th Floor)
University Visit: Nagoya University, Japan
Mr. Freddy Mason
Assistant Director of Marketing and Admissions
Follow the Secondary Calendar or see the College Counselling Events calendar for future visits and events. College Counselling Events
Kuala Lumpur Events
All about the University of the Arts London (MABECS)
Interested to study arts & design but don’t know where to start? This session is made for you.
We are pleased to have Mr Jonathon Greenhow from the University of the Arts London to share with us on the university. This includes its courses, grades requirements, career journey and more, capping off with a Q&A session. Parents are invited to the session as well. Admission is free. We are grateful if you could assist to disseminate information to your students and parents.
Here are the details:
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
6:00pm – 8:00pm
MABECS office
B-7-3, Level 7, Block B West, PJ8
No. 23, Jalan Barat, Seksyen 8, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
If you require more information, please contact Jennifer at 03-7956 7655 or email us at enquiries@mabecs.com
Thanks and regards,
The American Education Expo is the best place to find the perfect U.S. College or University for you. At the Event, you will get the chance to speak face-to-face with admissions officers from some of the top Colleges and Universities and get the answers you need about the admission process, tuition fees, and merit-based scholarship opportunities. The Expo is FREE of charge for students interested in undergraduate, graduate, and English programs. Parents are also encouraged to come and meet the College representatives. You only need one ticket per family.
Date And Time
Thursday, October 17, 2019
6:00-9:00 PM
Hilton Kuala Lumpur
3 Jalan Stesen Sentral
Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur 50470
The University of Queensland Information Day in KL – Saturday, 19 October 2019
With reference to the above, we would like to inform you that The University of Queensland will be having an Information Day on Saturday, 19 October 2019 from 1 pm to 5 pm at Hilton KL Sentral. Please find attached herewith is the information on the Information Day.
Students and parents will have the opportunity to meet with UQ academic and professional staff, representatives from International Admissions, Careers Services, Student Support Services, as well as alumni. They will also have the opportunity to attend the Mock Lectures, Career Seminar and listening to our Alumni during the Panel session.
Chan Wai Yen
Country Manager (Malaysia and Brunei), International Recruitment
Future Students
The University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia
T +6012 265 2661
E wai.chan@uq.edu.au W future-students.uq.edu.au
EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY U.S. University Advising: EducationUSA Advisers provide comprehensive U.S. university advising Register Here