IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 206
October 11, 2019
IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 208
October 25, 2019Message from the Head of School
I am very privileged to be in Boston this week taking part in a summit of thought leaders in education from both leading schools and universities, who are in discussion about new ways of responding to questions around the future of education in particular: university admissions, global citizenship and student well being.
Earlier this week we wrote to parents in the secondary school to advise them that our Secondary School Principal, Dr Arcidiacono, will be leaving IGBIS in July 2020 to take up a Head of School role. Dr Arcidiacono and his wife Julie (Community Liaison, Events and Alumni Relations) have made a huge contribution to the school these past 4 years.
A search is underway for a new Secondary School Principal to begin at IGBIS in August 2020.
Anne Fowles, Head of School
From the Elementary School Principal
This week saw the Grade 1’s and Grade 4’s go on field trips as part of their units of inquiry.
The Grade 1’s visited ‘The Curve’ where they were set a number of challenges to help them inquire into their How We Organise Ourselves unit. The big idea they are investigating is ‘Maps are used to navigate known and unknown places’. As I have been talking to the Grade 1’s since their field trip, they were insistent that they were able to successfully navigate the mall without getting lost. I look forward to questioning them more deeply in the coming weeks.
The Grade 4’s are also inquiring into the transdisciplinary theme of How We Organise Ourselves. The big idea they are investigating is ‘Within a trading system, people cooperate and share responsibilities to trade goods and services’. They experienced two very different markets, the wet market at TTDI and Central Market. They were tasked with finding out more about trade and they interviewed some of the shopkeepers to ascertain a deeper insight into their goods and services.
Just a reminder that next week the Elementary students will have school as normal, 7.30 – 3.00 pm or later if they have an after school activity 7.30 – 4.10 pm. There is no change for the Elementary school, although the Secondary students will finish school at 12.50 on Tuesday – Thursday.
With the Deepavali assembly coming up on Friday 25th October for two performances, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, we look forward to seeing you there at one of the performances.
Dates for your Diaries
- Thursday 24th October: 8.00- 9.00 am: Parent Presentation: Keeping kids safe, happy and healthy in the digital age
- Friday 25th October: Deepavali assembly: Morning and afternoon performances
- Monday 28th – Friday 1st Nov: School holiday
- Monday 4th November: WS Cross country competition (athletes have been contacted already)
- Friday 8th November: Phoenix Activity Day (PHAD) Day 0
Simon Millward, Elementary School Principal
From the Secondary School Principal
Dear IGBIS community,
The new Student Council Executives put on their first assembly this week, continuing our tradition of student-run assemblies, full of student-initiated activities. They also held their first meeting with the newly elected homeroom representatives (see photo) – all in all, we are expecting a great year from our young student leaders!
The past two days have seen the Epic Build get underway. Please see the pictures in this week’s newsletter of the beginning of the Build.
Next week we are looking forward to our Three-Way Conferences, and also a celebration assembly for our current Grade 11 students, who completed their MYP certificate last year. They were the first group to undertake and complete this qualification at IGBIS, and so we will be honouring their efforts this upcoming Wednesday.
This week, in my classroom visits, I was particularly impressed by our Grade 9 and 10 students. The projects they are working on and the skills they have developed are significant, and I can observe firsthand how this will continue as they get themselves ready for their options in Grade 11. It is always a busy time with regard to assessments when we come up to the Three-Way Conferences, so it is very important for students to manage their time well. From what I observed in Grade 9 and 10 this week, they are making progress in doing so.
Sincerely yours,
Michael Arcidiacono, Secondary School Principal
DP and MYP Students Visit ArtExpo Malaysia 2019

Malaysian and international artists from the region last week at ArtExpo Malaysia. This excursion to the Matrade Centre provided a great opportunity for our students to be exposed to a wide range of art-making methods, media and ways of expressing ideas, emotions and beliefs.
This visit allowed students to experience professional artwork firsthand and clearly see the techniques of an artist and the full impact that artworks have when viewed in full scale. The trip was very successful, as students were inspired and developed a deeper understanding of art, which will inform their own processes in the future.
Heather Blake, SS Arts Teacher
Coach’s Corner
Parent Workshop – Keeping Kids Safe, Happy, and Healthy in the Digital Age
8:00 – 9:00 am, Thursday, 24th October 2019 – PVO Meeting Room
Ms Adrianna will be presenting a workshop offering guidance for parents in the digital age and how to best manage the use of digital media by their children.
Come along and join the conversation, ask those questions that you have, and start considering how devices and digital media can be managed at home. Home and School are a partnership in this digital age.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Ms Adrianna Astle, Technology Coach
This week the Grade Level Coordinators got in touch with parents about the Digital Device Expectations. Using our devices appropriately is hugely important and we take the issue seriously. We have a number of ways to monitor activity, especially if we receive complaints. Digital Device Expectations starts with a conversation at home, which, if you haven’t done already, you can do this weekend.
Please head to the Splash Page —> Secondary Parents —> Digital Device Expectations. There’s also a link to the Conferences there as well.

Secondary Parents, along with the Parent-Teacher Conferences next week, you may find Mr Adam and some of the IT staff in his office (Level 6 near Learning Lounge) for any technical assistance you may need.
We can also offer advice on how to manage your parent account, and become more confident with your devices. Or, we can sit down with you individually and go through ManageBac, and how to monitor your child’s academic progress.
If you want to meet with an IT staff member during the Parent-Teacher Conferences, make your way to the Learning Lounge where we will have a whiteboard so you can write your name at a time when you don’t already have a conference happening. That way we can ensure there will be someone ready to meet with you individually.
PVO News
“Sound of Music” Parent Workshop
Date: 13 November 2019
Time: 8:00 – 8:45 am
Save the date. Group activities using classroom instruments (maracas, claves, handbells, xylophones, ukuleles, etc) to imitate, create and improvise on rhythmic patterns, led by Mr Alex Milescu. Up to 15 participants only, so please be sure to register once the sign-up form is shared via email to all parents after the school’s holiday break.
Holiday Bazaar
There is still time to register as a vendor, but please hurry, as there is limited availability. There are two vendor categories for this event:
- RM50 booth, in which a 6×2.5′ table and 2 chairs will be allotted per vendor. Outside vendors and IGBIS community members are welcome to register.
- RM10 “Suitcase Sale”, available for IGBIS parents only. Each “Suitcase Sale” vendor will be allowed to bring 1 suitcase (standard checked luggage size) filled with used items for sale, and will have 2 chairs and an allotted area of approximately 100x150cm to display their items. Some examples of what can be sold include used books, used clothes, and used toys. Please note that all items *must* be used.
Sample “Suitcase Sale” vendor display:
To find out more about the event, including registration information, please visit the Holiday Bazaar website. If you have any Christmas decoration items that you would like to donate, please drop them off at the Reception area at your earliest convenience.
Julie Chen Arcidiacono, Community Support & Services Coordinator

24 Hour Race
My name is Ro Xzi Ho and I am the Operations Director for this year’s 24 Hour Race Kuala Lumpur, which is the largest youth-led movement combating human trafficking and modern-day slavery globally. This is the 5th year that the 24 Hour Race being run in Kuala Lumpur, and it will be held on the 23rd of November at IGB International School.
The 24 Hour Race has raised over MYR 4.9 million [USD 1,200,000] for charities combating modern slavery and human trafficking across Asia. Last year alone, there were more than 500 rescues and arrests made possible with the work of our partner, A21. Student engagement (we are expecting 1500+ students) and fundraising goals (RM375,000+) for our beneficiaries are higher than ever. With participants aged as young as 14 and as old as 19, the 24 Hour Race provides opportunities for the leaders of tomorrow to hone their craft in leaving a positive impact and making a collective effort in transforming the world into a safer and better place for all. To find out more about the 24 Hour Race movement, please visit https://24hourrace.org/.
With the race’s growth reaching almost 100% over the last four years, we believe that the event can continue to blossom into something exceedingly special and impactful. We certainly hope that you can be with us on this journey, supporting our long term goal of influencing our youth to take a leap towards ending human trafficking. You can assist by providing us with in-kind sponsorship and/or cash donations.
- To find more about sponsorship opportunities & in-kind donations for the 24 Hour Race Kuala Lumpur, please refer to the Sponsorship Opportunities Booklet. For questions regarding donations or sponsorships, please contact Kareena Bavisi, Business Development Manager for the 24 Hour Race Kuala Lumpur, at kareena.bavisi@24hourrace.org.
- To make a cash donation to support the 24 Hour Race Kuala Lumpur, please visit: https://give.asia/campaign/hello-24hourrace-org-24-hour-race-kuala-lumpur-2019#/
In addition, there will be an exciting pre-race fundraising event, Light for Freedom, to be held on the 27th of October. Tickets to this event can be purchased here: https://spark.adobe.com/page/SKsGtuYpMykaI/.
On behalf of the 24 Hour Race Organising Committee, I would like to sincerely thank you for your time and consideration. Contributions from anyone, including those beyond the IGB International School community, will be most appreciated. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Ro Xzi Ho, Operations Director for the 24 Hour Race Kuala Lumpur
Withdrawal Notification and Refundable Deposit
We are experiencing unprecedented interest in our school at the moment which is very exciting and reflects the hard work of the whole school community and what we are achieving at IGBIS. Each year we ask our families to let us know as soon as possible if you know that you will be leaving the school during the academic year. According to our Terms and Conditions, we would remind you that in order to receive a full refund of the deposit, a signed Withdrawal Form should be submitted to the Admissions Office on or before the 31st October 2019.
Wayne Demnar, Director of Admissions and Public Relations
College Counselling News
IGBIS Events
Cambridge Immerse Summer School Essay Competition
Are you interested in attending the Immerse Cambridge Summer School?
We offer a variety of summer programmes, from Architecture to Physics, and if you’re looking to showcase your academic skills, then this is the essay competition for you! The Immerse Education Essay Competition offers applicants the opportunity to win a 100% scholarship to participate in an Immerse summer programme.
Details of the competition, the guidelines, the prizes and important competition dates for your diary are outlined here.
If you have questions or would like some help with your prompt, see Mr Mitchell and your relevant subject teachers!
The deadline is Monday 20th January 2020
Upcoming University visits
Parents and students are encouraged to attend!!
MONDAY OCTOBER 21 @ 12:50pm (Secondary Library, 6th Floor)
University Visit: Royal College of Surgeons(RCSI) – Ireland
Claire O’Connor
Student Recruitment Specialist
RCSI Admissions and Student Recruitment
WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 @ 12:50 (Secondary Library, 6th Floor)
University Visit: Drake University – USA
Drake University is a private mid-sized university in Des Moines, Iowa, US, founded in 1881. The institution’s law school is amongst the oldest in the US. The institution offers over 70 majors and 20 graduate degrees across six colleges and schools: College of Arts and Sciences, Law School, School of Education, College of Business and Public Administration, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
THURSDAY NOVEMBER 7 @ 9:30 (Secondary Library, 6th Floor)
University Visit: Study in Germany Seminar
The seminar will focus on: the benefits of study in Germany, requirements for IB Students, the available English Programs, Application Procedures and the difference between the Private and Public Systems.
WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 @ 12:30 (Secondary Library, 6th Floor)
University Visit: University of Queensland – AUSTRALIA
The University of Queensland is a Top 100 world-ranked university. The University of Queensland (UQ) is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching institutions. We strive for excellence through the creation, preservation, transfer and application of knowledge.
MONDAY DECEMBER 9 @ 12:50 (Secondary Library, 6th Floor)
University Visit: Nagoya University, Japan
Mr Freddy Mason
Assistant Director of Marketing and Admissions
Follow the Secondary Calendar or see the College Counselling Events calendar for future visits and events.
Kuala Lumpur Events
The University of Queensland Information Day in KL – Saturday, 19 October 2019
With reference to the above, we would like to inform you that The University of Queensland will be having an Information Day on Saturday, 19 October 2019 from 1 pm to 5 pm at Hilton KL Sentral. Please find attached herewith is the information on the Information Day.
Students and parents will have the opportunity to meet with UQ academic and professional staff, representatives from International Admissions, Careers Services, Student Support Services, as well as alumni. They will also have the opportunity to attend the Mock Lectures, Career Seminar and listening to our Alumni during the Panel session.
Chan Wai Yen
Country Manager (Malaysia and Brunei), International Recruitment
Future Students
The University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia
T +6012 265 2661
E wai.chan@uq.edu.au W future-students.uq.edu.au
EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY U.S. University Advising: EducationUSA Advisers provide comprehensive U.S. university advising Register Here