IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 255.
February 26, 2021
IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 257.
March 12, 2021Message From the Head of School
Mrs Anne Fowles
There is a lot of excitement in the air this week as we prepare for (nearly) all of the rest of our students returning to school next week. Our teachers have been busy getting all the classrooms set up again, the cleaners have done a thorough sanitisation and Cezars have been trying out some new recipes. We are well and truly ready to see more students in the school! So I hope that they are as excited as we are.
We are also very much looking forward to International Day at the end of next week. Even though it will be virtual, we have something a little special to share which I am sure you will enjoy. We have had a fabulous response from the community and there are lots of fun things to watch or try out ourselves. Please make sure that you have put aside the time on Saturday, March 13 from 10:00 am until 11:50 am.
From the Elementary School Principal
Simon Millward
There has been a flurry of activity this week as we have been preparing for students to return to the IGBIS campus for face to face learning.
Teachers have spent some time in school to work on the physical environment. Even though there has been constant cleaning throughout the MCO distance learning time with regards to soft furnishings, tables, chairs, carpets and floors etc. Sometimes the student displays have needed some tender loving care, or units of inquiry have changed so the stimulating environment also changes.

There have been a lot of smiling faces and enthusiastic upbeat conversations!
This week also saw the launch of our Grade 5 Exhibition (PYPX). The students found out who their mentors were and made contact. They have also been busy with workshop sessions to help them in the Exhibition process. These workshop sessions gave them the big picture or overview of the whole exhibition.

They learned about the role of experts or primary sources of information. They will also have follow up workshops about how to plan for and conduct interviews with experts.

They also had a workshop on action pathways. We want our students to take positive action as a result of their learning and this session highlighted the many ways that action can take.

Not only did the students have a workshop but so too have our mentors. They had a session about the role of mentors so they can support the students as much as possible whilst ensuring that the Exhibition is driven by the students.

There will be further updates as the PYP Exhibition continues.
Dates for your diaries
- 8th March: Students in all grades can return to school. (Option for distance learning too).
- 13th March: International Day (10.00 – 11.45 am).
From the Secondary School Principal
Sandy van Nooten
Week eight of semester 2!
This week marks the end of this particular chapter (of this nutty year) with school reopening for face-to-face learning for all grade levels next week.
The Grand Reopening
We can’t wait to have students back in the building. We have heard from most parents now, and the vast majority of secondary students will be coming into school from Monday. I’m sure there is a lot of excitement (and possibly some re-entry nerves). We will do everything we can to keep everyone safe. Here’s a link to our current secondary SOP.
- We will be following our regular face-to-face schedule for ALL students from Monday
- Here’s a link to the bell schedule and the break and lunch arrangements
- Students should aim to get to school between 7:30 and 7:50am.
Please do not send your child to school if they have any Covid symptoms or if they’ve had close contact with a positive case. Let us know and we’ll work with you on a plan for their safe return to school.
Grade 11/12 Scholarships
Magnus and I have completed (the thoroughly enjoyable task of) interviewing internal and external scholarship candidates. We look forward to welcoming many of these students to Gr.11 next year.
Get some rest, check the uniforms still fit, and re-set that alarm ready for an early start on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend.
Stay safe.
Welcome Back To School
Admissions Team
We are excited to open our doors this coming Monday, March 8th, 2021 and welcome our IGBIS families back on campus.
For those families who are abroad or planning to return to their home country, please remember to notify the Admissions team and the respective homeroom teachers of your travel plans.
Please update the Admissions team if there are any changes to your contact details, address, passport, employment details and other relevant information.
We look forward to welcoming you back on campus this coming Monday.
DP/CP News
Dear IGBIS community,
It has been an eventful few weeks. Let’s talk about what Grade 11 and 12, as well as Grade 10, were up to recently. With Grade 10 being in the middle of their transition to Grade 11, a lot has happened since the last newsletter.
G10 Options Fair
One of the biggest events in the transition process is the option fair. Usually, we teachers, parents and students all meet online in one of our Multi-Purpose Rooms, this year, you guessed it, we were online. Students and parents had the opportunity to ask questions to the subjects teachers of the subjects that they are interested in.

G10 Joining G11 and 12 Classes + Getting Advice from G11 and 12 Students.
After the Lunar New Years holidays, Grade 10 students were able to experience DP/CP lessons and get a taste of what it is like in a DP classroom. For an entire day, Grade 10 students had the opportunity to join several different DP lessons in their subjects that they were interested in and reflect on what they saw and heard.

At the end of that day, many Grade 11 and 12 volunteered to meet Grade 10 and talk to them about their experience in their varies DP/CP classes to give their perspective and advice to the Grade 10 students.

After all of these events and after collecting lots of information about various DP/CP classes, the Grade 10 students and their parents were tasked to complete their second-course option survey to indicate their preferred pathway and DP/CP subjects selection for their next 2 years here at IGBIS.
Now Mr Howe and I will look at the Grade 10 students’ selection and have one on ones with the students to finalise their options for Grade 11. Grade 10, your next chapter here at IGBIS is right around the corner and I cannot wait to welcome you all into the DP, CP or HSD.
Mock Exams and CAS Catch-Up Day.
G12 students have been super busy with their mock exams.
Sidenote – I am not sure if all of you know this, but this G12 cohort is our largest graduating class ever in the history of IGBIS. G12, you are making history.
Due to the size of the cohort and our SOP, we conducted the mock exam in the Drama Studio and it has been an amazing location for the exams with lots of light, space and peace. This does sound like a holiday, but I am sure Grade 12 will agree with me that it certainly was not a walk in the park. I am very proud of the Grade 12’s, taking the exam with pride and I already heard from a few teachers that their students have done well. All the results will come out in the next couple of weeks and will be posted on Managebac, so watch the space.
We took the opportunity on the last day of the mock exam week to plan a CAS catch up day, so students can go into the weekend knowing that mocks and CAS are done. Some students, like Hritvik and Isabelle, were so happy to get all of it done that they danced their way out of the drama studio. Unfortunately, I do not have photographic evidence of this pinnacle moment.
CAS Projects.
With the Pandemic it has been rather difficult for the G12 to complete all their CAS projects. With the help of the brilliant Mr Parratt, the G12 has been working on their CAS and finding creative solutions to complete their activities and projects.
Here is a recent example of a CAS project from Vanessa and Fatin. They actually would like your help, so please read their message below and take action!
Hello guys! This is Vanessa and Fatin from Grade 12. We have recently installed artwork near the entrance of the PYP cafeteria. This is our CAS project to advocate for our national animal — Malayan Tigers. It will be great if you sign the petition created by WWF Malaysia by scanning the QR code. Thank you!

Music IB Course Work
Recently, you all had the chance to watch Marvin in his amazing YouTube live performance that was his DP Final IB coursework Music Solo performance. It is great to see G12 perform in the Arts. If you have missed Marvin’s performance, check out here.

DP/CP Visual Art Exhibition
On that note, I wanted to take this opportunity to announce that our annual DP/CP Visual Art Exhibition is going to take place from the 5th to – 9th of April. Details will follow, so watch the space.
Scientists’ Curiosity
John Moore
As we return to face-to-face learning, many Grade 6, 7 and 9 students will already be thinking of ideas for their Science Fair project. This is an extended piece of work, a little like the PYPX, Community Project and Personal Project carried out by students in Grade 5, 8 and 10. The project provides students with an opportunity to showcase their personal interest in a particular area of Science while synthesizing their learning. The students research, design, plan, analyse, evaluate, conclude and also have fun while they develop a range of skills that enhance their learning both in Science and in the wider curriculum.
A good starting point for inspiration is websites highlighting science stories in the news such as Science News for Students, https://newsforkids.net/category/all_news/science/, Science News and Science Daily. We recommend that all students, from Elementary to High School browse at least one of these websites every week to find out some exciting science going on in the world around us.

Walk the World with IGBIS!
Ruth Sparcklan
Week 1 Update
It’s been a slow week so far, with only two Houses getting their steps in!
Aer has made a start with achieving 14km this week, however, Terra are the fastest out of the blocks with a total of 36km, so far they have walked the English Channel!

The next stop on their journey will be the Inca Trail at 42km.
Come on Aer, Aqua and Ignis, get those walking boots on!
Remember to check the House page for more information.
Aqua – 0km
Ignis – 0km
Aer – 14km
Terra – 36km
After School Programme
Ruth Spracklan
Hurrah we are coming back to school!
We are so excited to see you all and really look forward to having you all back in the building with us.
What does this mean for activities and athletics?
The current online programme which was planned to run until 26th March will finish on Friday, 5th March. Staff will be unable to run these clubs face to face for students in school for the time being.
What are we planning instead?
We are looking into a programme which will commence after the March break, as yet we do not know the structure, timings or clubs available, so please keep an eye out for emails or notices in the Newsletter!
IGBIS Open Day is Back!

Join us on our Open Day on Saturday, 20 March 2021, from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm.
Due to the current situation, we are only able to accommodate limited visits by appointment only. So hurry and reserve your visit with us as soon as possible at igbis.edu.my/openday.
Do invite your family, friends and neighbours to join us. In appreciation for your efforts, the school is providing Referral Incentives for IGBIS families who refer new students to us. Please click here for more information on our Referral Incentives programme.