IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 296
April 8, 2022
IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 298
April 29, 2022Message From the Head of School
By Jason McBride, HoS
Hello IGBIS Community,
There was—and is!—a lot going on for a three-day week from Farewell Assemblies for the Grade 12’s as they head into the final stretch with exams over the next month, to preparation for Student-led Conferences happening tomorrow to celebrate the learning of all students throughout the year, to the Grade 5’s putting the final touches on their exhibition projects as they take action in alignment with the UN SDG’s for the PYPX (Click HERE to read about the impact that that project can make). It’s fitting that the PYPX is next week as we celebrate Earth Day around the world today. Although learning about sustainability is something that is incorporated into the curriculum throughout the year, our student-led initiative back in March spoke volumes about how an Earth Hour could be turned into an Earth Day, any day.
In honour of Earth Day, as of this Monday, we are changing our policies and allowing all Secondary students to leave school on foot if they wish to walk home instead of travelling by car or bicycle. Elementary students may be given permission to walk home as well by contacting Mr Simon to give one-time permission, ongoing permission or to say that an older sibling will accompany them home. For those that live nearby, why not consider having a group of students bundle together and explore walking back to Sierramas or Valencia?
When we talk about Empowerment as a pillar at IGBIS, helping students find and use their voice to make positive choices (like getting home via human power!) and advocate for things that are important to themselves, others and the planet is exactly what we’re talking about. We are still working on a solar project for the school, but how can you make a choice on Earth Day that helps in some small way?
Close Contact Isolation Requirement Update
The Ministry of Health has now dropped the isolation requirements for COVID-positive close contacts—regardless of vaccination status—meaning that as long as you are asymptomatic, you do not need to be isolated. Any student who is currently away from school due to close contact can return on Monday if they are asymptomatic. IGBIS will continue to require RTK testing on Sunday. Please see the chart below for further details.

From the Elementary Principal
By Simon Millward, ES Principal
Considering this was a 3-day week there has been a lot that has been packed into it. Much of the thrust of the week has been around the preparation of the Grade 5 PYP Exhibition and Student Leds Conferences.
Koh in Grade 5 will send out another google form for you to complete next Thursday 28th for his PYP action ‘Waste Free Friday’s’. He needs your help to prepare snack and lunch boxes filled with foods that have zero to little plastic. If your child doesn’t have any plastic waste in their snack, they get one house point. If they don’t have any plastic waste in their snack AND lunch, they get 5 house points.
I have also included a google form so that you can take a photo of the snacks and lunch ahead of time G5 Action: Google form help. You will need to put your child’s name, house team, and also a picture of your waste-free food lunchbox to win house points.
Our Young Activists Council (YAC) has been working hard to make a difference. They will present their learning to other schools at the Young Activists Council and Conference on the 18th of May. However, today I have sent an email to you about Isla’s action where she needs the community to vote on new bathroom signage, as we want to move away from the pink and blue female and male signs.
We are very pleased to be able to host our Student-Led Conferences face to face. We are following all SOP’s by wearing face masks, hand sanitising and keeping socially distant. All conferences are by appointment only, especially the single subjects. We hope you enjoy being back in school and learning and playing with your children.
I look forward to seeing you all at the student-led conferences.
Date for Your Diaries
- 2nd – 4th May: Labour Day and Hari Raya Aidilfitri holiday

DIPG Badges for Sale
We (Tilly and Jai) have dedicated our Grade 8 Community Project to focus on DIPG. The way we intend to help is by creating badges to raise money that would go towards the Abbie’s Army foundation. Abbie’s Army may sound familiar as it was the organisation that supported the Rowe family and our DIPG walk.
Please fill out this SS form or ES form if you would like to buy our badges in support of Abbie’s Army. We really appreciate you taking a few minutes out of your day to help us with our community project.
Thank you,
Tilly and Jai

Pre-Order Menu (5th – 6th April 2022)
Click HERE to order.