IGBIS Newsletter | Issue 191
May 10, 2019
IGBIS Newsletter | Issue 193
May 24, 2019Message from the Head of School
Dear IGBIS Parents and Guardians,
IGBIS students now have the option to undertake the MYP Certificate awarded by the International Baccalaureate following successful completion of MYP assessments. This is a significant milestone for IGBIS as the IB MYP Certificate is recognised by the Malaysian Qualifications Authority as equivalent to IGCSE, yet provides the students with an assessment model that is conceptually based and develops academic skills rather than relying on memorisation. Hence, it is a far better preparation for the rigours of the IB Diploma and the IB Career-related Programme.
Following is an outline of the IB MYP Assessment Model:
“The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) assessment model includes a range of strategies for assessing what students know and are able to do. In addition to the mandatory external moderation of the personal project, schools may offer MYP eAssessment. MYP eAssessment focuses on synthesising information, evaluating findings and applying them to real-world situations. MYP students demonstrate their achievement through creative writing, investigation and analysis of a wide range of sources.
IB examiners assess:
- ePortfolios of carefully defined coursework in language acquisition, arts, design and physical and health education, using a process of dynamic sampling to moderate results to a global standard.
- onscreen examinations (two hours in duration) for selected courses in language and literature, individuals and societies, sciences, mathematics, and interdisciplinary learning.
This assessment design has been informed by the careful consideration of assessment principles and represents a careful balance between:
- rigour and resources—developing robust assessments that do not consume too much time and represent an age-appropriate level of demand;
- validity and reliability—valuing the rich, textured value of teacher-based assessment in classroom learning environments while seeking external standardisation of student achievement; and
- flexibility and consistency—respecting the needs of individual learning communities while creating a unifying standard across the MYP.
The assessment structure brings significant benefits to the MYP community. MYP onscreen examinations are designed to assess conceptual understanding and academic skills in a way that takes full advantage of the power of technology to create a stimulating learning environment.
MYP onscreen examinations can:
- inspire deeper learning in MYP classrooms and reinforce good practice in teaching and learning by providing models for teachers to use in their own formative and summative assessment;
- develop teachers’ assessment literacy through post-assessment analysis of results and review of examinations, markschemes and explanatory notes from senior examiners;
- provide a renewable and ever-growing resource of stimulating material that inspires classroom discussion and helps students to understand the demands of the programme;
- develop confidence in school communities (for school leaders, parents, teachers and students) that local judgments about student achievement have been individually, externally validated; and
- create a shared vision of excellence in which students’ hard work and success are internationally recognised.
External final assessment in the MYP affords a unique opportunity for the entire MYP community to focus on a common global context, and to explore how subject group objectives fit within the programme’s broader goals of developing appreciation for our common humanity and shared responsibility as guardians of the planet. MYP eAssessment creates a fair foundation for judging student achievement and prompts continuity in teaching and learning through the final stages of the programme. As part of a broad and balanced assessment model, onscreen examinations help students to develop essential academic and personal skills that prepare them for future study – including the rigorous demands of the IB Diploma Programme and IB Career-related Certificate.”
(Middle Years Programme Guide to MYP eAssessment, International Baccalaureate, 2015)
IGBIS students are undertaking the MYP onscreen assessments from May 14th – 24th, 2019.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Anne Fowles | Head of School
News from Secondary School
It was a very busy week in Secondary as the MYP e-assessments got underway and our Grade 12 students move ever closer to completion in their second week of exams. There was a wonderful dinner on Monday and Tuesday in support of an upcoming service activity next year, to build a home (with Epic Homes) for a local family in need. Congratulations to Matthew in Grade 11 for organizing the event and my thanks to Ra.Ft for hosting the meals and entertainment.
Looking forward, next week I will be emailing parents with the details of our final week of school. We have a variety of events taking place in the last few days so there will be some information parents need to be aware of. Please watch out for an email forthcoming.
I wish everyone a restful holiday on Monday and Wednesday, as we head into a shortened week of school.
Best regards,
Michael Arcidiacono | Secondary School Principal
News from Elementary School
This week saw our first Zero Waste Wednesday begin. As part of Ghazi in Grade 5’s action, that was a result of his IB PYP Exhibition, we started our own campaign against excessive single use plastic. It was a great start, but it raised some very good questions from our students.
Some students noticed that students had taken their normal snacks out of their single use packets at home and then brought them into school in reusable boxes for Zero Waste Wednesday. They wondered how we could reduce these practices in future.
One idea was to buy snacks in larger amounts (bulk) and take the snacks from a bigger packet rather than smaller ones. This could be more cost effective and reduce plastic. Another idea was to bake their own cookies rather than buy them. These are great ideas and I am sure in the coming weeks when we continue with our Zero Waste Wednesdays we can make more suggestions.
Thank you for supporting this great initiative and working with us to reduce our use of single use plastic. The next Zero Waste Wednesdays will be 29th May and 12th June.
At the end of last week I was fortunate enough to spend time with the Grade 2 students as they have been using the design process to consider how we can ‘green’ IGBIS and educate others about the importance of being more environmentally aware and the importance of plants. Their ideas were prototyped and their thinking was shared with me. One of those projects we have managed to take further, by purchasing some grids and plant holders. The students made a prototype that inspired the purchase of more plant holders.

Friday 17th May was the opening of the PYP/MYP Art Exhibition in the Level 2 Art Space. This will be well worth a visit as students have shared their art pieces that they are proud of. It runs until 27th May.
Dates for your diaries
- 17th – 27th May: PYP/MYP Art Exhibition Level 2 Art Exhibition Space
- 20th May: Public holiday
- 21st May: Music Academy concert #1
- 22nd May: Public holiday
- 29th May: Zero Waste Wednesday
- 30th May: Music Academy concert #2
Simon Millward | Elementary School Principal
Preparations for 2019-2020
While we are still four weeks from the end of this academic year, we have made significant progress in our preparations for 2019-2020.
Thank you to those who responded to the Re-enrolment survey and Data update. It is vitally important that you have completed all the relevant updates with regard to contact details and medical conditions. Your signature at the end of the Terms and Conditions document is also important, and we will follow up with families where this has not been completed because it is an important part of your child’s enrolment at the school.
Car Stickers for the new academic year are now available from Reception and we would encourage parents to get their new stickers as soon as possible. The uniform shop will be open regularly during the vacation from Monday 15th July and at other times by appointment. Please feel free to contact us in Admissions if you need further assistance.
Grade 6 students will require a Macbook for the new academic year and again, we would encourage parents to get this organised earlier rather than later. Details can be found on the school’s website.
Thank you for your attention to these matters.
Wayne Demnar | Director of Admissions and Public Relations
Elementary PE News
As we approach the end of the year we are still working hard in PE. Students are taking part in a wide range of units at the moment. Grade 5 are developing and practising their volleyball skills and techniques, whilst grades, 2, 3 and 4 are taking part in a range of net games such as badminton and tennis. Younger students are developing a range of skills and focusing on their hand-eye coordination. Students have shown great determination to try and improve their skills. I was very impressed seeing a number of Grade 5 students attending volleyball club and representing the school in fixtures. They were able to win several games against older students. This was a fantastic achievement.
Students are also working hard in the pool, and it has been truly amazing to see how far students have progressed in their swimming this year. We have students in Grade 2 confidently swimming in the Olympic pool. Overall students’ progress has been outstanding this year.
Furthermore Grade 5 students can sign up to the 2020 ski trip to Switzerland. Should parents wish to receive more information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sean Lovesey | Head of Physical Education
Summer School 2019

15 to 26 July 2019. Open for registration now
Please contact +603 6145 4688 or email arvin.kaur@igbis.edu.my.
For more information on the activities, click HERE.