IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 298
April 29, 2022
IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 300
May 20, 2022Message From the Head of School
By Jason McBride, Head of School

Dear IGBIS Community,
As we approach the end of the year, transitions are on a lot of people’s minds. Today we unfortunately said goodbye to a founding staff member, one of our wonderful Community Police Officers, Mr. Hamizar. Having been with us since we opened our doors—and for a total of 13 years with the IGB organization—we wish him and his wife all the best as they open their own business in the months ahead.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone,
From the Elementary Principal
By Simon Millward, ES Principal
I have to say the week has flown by and there has been a veritable buzz of excitement around the upper elementary camps in particular. Whether it has been the Grade 5’s learning they were going on camp, the Grade 4’s as they have generated more questions to ask me about their camp, or the Grade 3’s who have been engaged in camp, it has been exciting times.
Talking of exciting times the Grade 5’s had their transition day to Grade 6 on Tuesday this week. They learned a lot, felt what it is like to be a Secondary student, met some great new teachers and had loads of fun (especially the Goose Chase activity). Many thanks to all those involved in the day, especially the Secondary teachers who made it special.
On Thursday I was lucky enough to spend some time with the Grade 3 students who had their first day on camp at Sungai Tua. They learned how to tie knots, prepared their own (and the teachers’) lunches and navigated down the river.

They all seemed to enjoy sleeping over at school before heading out to Rawang to engage in stand up paddleboarding on day 2.

A big thank you to all the IGBIS staff who accompanied and slept at school for the camp, you made it a memorable experience for our students.
Finally, on Tuesday, 17th May 2022, the Hari Raya assembly will be held in the theatre instead of the normal Day 5 Elementary Assembly. It would be awesome if the elementary students can come to school that day in their Hari Raya outfits. Check out some of the examples of outfits they can wear in the photo.

They can also wear something green as the colour is associated with Hari Raya too. Thank you and looking forward to seeing the students looking fabulous on Tuesday! Ms Ada & Ms Meena
Dates for Your Diaries
- Tuesday, 17th May: Hari Raya assembly (within ES assembly)
- 18th – 20th May: G4 camp, Gopeng
- 31st May: ES production: Community invited 4-5 pm
- 1st June: ES production: Internal performance for KG- G2 students (2pm – 3pm)
- 1st – 3rd June: G5 camp, Gopeng
- 10th June: International Day (evening event)
International MUN Trip – ISPPMUN – October 2022
By Maheen Habib, Grade Level Coordinator (Grade 7/8)
MUN is a simulation of the United Nations (UN) where students play the role of delegates from different countries and attempt to solve real-world issues with the policies and perspectives of their assigned country. Students have participated in “virtual” MUN conferences via platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet for the last two years. As we emerge from the global pandemic, we are extremely excited to share plans to return to live “face to face” conferences. One of these conferences IGBIS hopes to attend is ISPPMUN – hosted by the International School of Phnom Penh in October 2022.
We are currently seeking expressions of interest for participation in ISPPMUN 22 which will take place on 21-23 October. The cost of the trip is estimated to be between RM 1500 and RM 2000 which includes flights, conference fees, hotel accommodation, and meals. If you or your child is interested, please complete the google form here. Students from Grade 6-12 are able to go on the trip.
Here is a link to the conference website: https://isppmun.weebly.com/ where you can find details of the last ISPPMUN in 2019.

New PHE / Athletics Uniform Ship Orders
By Mark Parratt, PE HOD & Teacher
Dear students and parents,
I’m writing to let you know that you are able to order the new PHE shorts, shirts and leggings, AND the athletics shirt (that is for athletics training/competition games) from Monday MAY 16 through to Friday, May 27 via the online KUKRI website. The website is below, and it will be active on May 16. https://www.kukrisports.hk/tea…
It is essential that you make appointments with Miss Susie Tee (susie.tee@igbis.edu.my) in the uniform shop to get yourself sized correctly, as uniforms are made to order. The timing of the order means that you will receive the uniform in time for the start of the new academic year (the start of August). Therefore, it is important that you factor in the likely growth of your children when you order. Appointments can be made between 7.35 and 8.30 am in the morning, lunchtime, and 2.30 pm – 4 pm in the afternoon.
A reminder of some of the key information below:
- The HOUSE coloured shirt is not to be worn in PHE classes after the summer break. It will be only for house events and spirit days in Secondary. For elementary, the house shirts can still be worn to school on NON-PHE days. Depending on the SOPs, this ruling may change if we are allowed to use change rooms for PHE classes. Further information will follow if this is the case.
- For those that do not need a new PHE uniform at the moment, that’s OK. The ONLINE shop will be open again in late October, and orders will be available to be worn after the Christmas break.
- There are no ‘OLD’ PE uniform shirts available now.
- IGBIS will order a small number of PHE shirts to be kept in the uniform shop in case of damage, loss and new students, however, at this stage, you should NOT expect to buy the PHE uniform from the uniform shop, only the online shop.
If you have any queries or concerns, please contact the PHE Head of Department Mr Mark Parratt (mark.parratt@igbis.edu.my) or the Athletics Director Ms Ruth Spracklan (ruthspracklan@igbis.edu.my)
International Day 2022
Calling All Parents and Friends of IGBIS!
Participation for our International Day is still OPEN. We hope to have everyone participating to make this event a success. The International Day will be held on Friday, 10 June from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm on the IGBIS Track and Field.
We have prepared a Google Form for you to confirm your participation. Please take this quick survey to let us know if you will be running a booth to showcase your country or just attending the event. If you have any questions, please email Warren at mat@igbis.edu.my or WhatsApp: 017- 464 6884.

Pre-Order Menu (16 – 20 May 2022)
Please place your order HERE